Top Quality

IFBC is a leading-edge, independent Swiss financial advisor specialized in Corporate Finance and M&A, with a global partner (Globalscope) for worldwide transactions and a commitment to comprehensive value creation for all stakeholders.

black and white image of a big mountain in the swiss mountains

“We are the leading-edge financial advisor in Switzerland.”

IFBC is “top of mind” with owners, boards of directors and management as well as relevant specialist functions and is in constant dialog with them. We provide top-class advisory services for well-known corporates, international companies, successful entrepreneurs and private equity investors. Our services are always individually tailored to clients needs. We are committed to continuous innovation in order to anticipate change, develop solutions early on and thus offer added value to our clients. IFBC employees are dedicated and ambitious. They have above-average expertise, a high standard of professionalism and treat their fellow humans with respect and openness.

The IFBC Way


People: Be an expert in your field and create principles.
Ideas: Be open minded in all your interactions.
Excellence: Leverage know-how, credentials, processes and infrastructure.
Integrity: Be credible, objective and independent.


Ownership: Embrace responsibility for yourself and your work.
Passion: Find purpose in meaningful work and collaborate.
Growth: Welcome challenges as opportunities for personal growth.
Care: Care for each other and our wider society (CSR).


Value-add: Deliver quality on time and budget.
Insights: Understand your client agenda and customize solutions.
Expectations: Go beyond what's expected and make the impossible happen.
Follow-up: Think long-term and invest in relationships.


Entrepreneurs: Strive for outstanding results and success.
Inspiration: Commit to the highest quality and be driven by sustainability.
Networks: Build connections with people and organizations in our ecosystem.
Dialog: Co-create with your team and your clients.

In addition to “The IFBC Way,” we are committed to the principles of good corporate governance and the interests of our stakeholders. We comply with the laws and have an established and binding set of rules that ensure compliance.

The Board of Directors

Our Story

Swiss university with busy people walking in front of it

Our Story

In 1997, Prof. Dr. em. Rudolf Volkart, Dr. Thomas Vettiger and Dr. Martin Hofacker founded IFBC at the University of Zurich. Offering advice and practical solutions in the area of corporate finance, they filled the gap between theory and practice.

IFBC stands for Integrated Financial Business Consulting and was launched as a spin-off from the University of Zurich. The founders have not only contributed their expertise, but have also involved other bright minds with a lot of experience.

IFBC has been characterized by excellence from the start and has been a success story for over 25 years. The following timeline shows the most important stages in our company history.

NORD Holding

Exclusive Financial Advisor to NORD Holding on the successful sale of Dr. Födisch Group to ABB.


Recognized as one of the most active members by Globalscope International for the “Most Valuable Deal” at the 2024 conference in Cleveland (USA) and for the number of deals completed. Also received the “Most Active Member Award” at the Globalscope Partners conference in Tokyo.

First De-SPAC in Switzerland

Accompanying the first De-SPAC in Switzerland. IFBC acted as exclusive Financial Advisor to CGS Management AG and the other owners of R&S International Holding AG in the successful sale to VT5 Acquisition Company AG, the SPAC listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange.


Financial advisor to CKW on the sale of the majority of shares in Elektrizitätswerk EWA to the public sector in Uri.

Most Valuable Deal Awards

Winner of Globalscope's “Most Valuable Deal Award”.

25th Company Anniversary

IFBC is celebrating its 25th anniversary with around 150 guests at the Rigiblick Theatre in Zurich.

AMAG Group

Financial advisor to AMAG Group AG on the acquisition of the Helion division from Bouygues E&S InTec Schweiz AG.

SwissSign Group

Exclusive sell-side advisor on the sale of SwissSign Group to Swiss Post.


Exclusive financial advisor to Netcetera shareholders on the sale to Giesecke+Devrient.


Helping TWINT shareholders to refinance.


Expansion and modernization of office space at Riedtlistrasse 19 in Zurich.

Globalscope Partners

IFBC becomes a member of the global M&A organization Globalscope Partners with the aim of realizing cross-border transactions for Swiss companies.


Financial Advisor to financial investor EQT for the assessment of Benefits and Indirect Benefits in connection with the public takeover offer for the attention of public shareholders of travel group Kuoni.

Swiss Gas Industry

Financial Advisor to the Swiss gas industry and Credit Suisse Energy Infrastructure Partners for the acquisition of a stake in the Swiss Transit Gas Pipeline and FluxSwiss.

Marxer Foundation

Financial Advisor to the Marxer Foundation for the sale of your investment in Centrum Bank AG, Vaduz to VP Bank AG, Vaduz.

Federal Office of Energy

Report from the Federal Office of Energy on risk-based compensation for network operators in the Swiss electricity market as a basis for the revision of the Power Supply Ordinance.

Fairness Opinions (STB)

The Swiss Takeover Board notes the special competence of IFBC as a issuer of Fairness Opinions in public purchase and exchange offers.


Financial Advisor to AXPO for the public takeover offer to the public shareholders of EGL.


Valuation concept and implementation of valuations as part of the transfer of the Swiss high-voltage grid from grid owners to Swissgrid.

AXPO Debut Bonds

Financial advisor to AXPO on the placement of two debut bonds on the Swiss capital market worth a total of CHF 1 billion.

Benefits and Indirect Benefits

Financial advisor to Aquamit B.V. (provider) in connection with the complaint against the public takeover offer for all shares of the Quadrant (target company) in the public. This led to the Swiss Takeover Board's practice on Benefits and Indirect Benefits in public takeovers.


Moving from Sonneggstrasse in Zurich to larger offices on Riedtlistrasse.


Development of the first impairment model for Holcim to implement IAS 36 for the first time.


Helping Holcim set up a group-wide treasury and financial risk management organization.

Debt Capacity

As part of the merger of SBG and SBV (Bankverein), IFBC developed the concept of debt capacity and implemented it throughout the merged bank's corporate banking business across Switzerland. In subsequent years, many other banks sought advice from IFBC on this issue.


Founded as a spin-off from the University of Zurich


2024 - NORD Holding

Exclusive Financial Advisor to NORD Holding on the successful sale of Dr. Födisch Group to ABB.

2024 - Awards

Recognized as one of the most active members by Globalscope International for the “Most Valuable Deal” at the 2024 conference in Cleveland (USA) and for the number of deals completed. Also received the “Most Active Member Award” at the Globalscope Partners conference in Tokyo.

2023 - First De-SPAC in Switzerland

Accompanying the first De-SPAC in Switzerland. IFBC acted as exclusive financial advisor to CGS Management AG and the other owners of R&S International Holding AG in the successful sale to VT5 Acquisition Company AG, the SPAC listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange

2023 - CKW

Financial advisor to CKW on the sale of the majority of shares in Elektrizitätswerk EWA to the public sector in Uri

2022 - Most Valuable Deal Award

Winner of Globalscope's “Most Valuable Deal Award”

2022 - 25th Company Anniversary

IFBC is celebrating its 25th anniversary with around 150 guests at the Rigiblick Theatre in Zurich

2022 - AMAG Group

Financial advisor to AMAG Group AG on the acquisition of the Helion division from Bouygues E&S InTec Schweiz AG

2021 - SwissSign Group

Exclusive sell-side advisor on the sale of SwissSign Group to Swiss Post

2020 - Netcetera

Exclusive financial advisor to Netcetera shareholders on the sale to Giesecke+Devrient

2017 - TWINT

Helping TWINT shareholders to refinance

2017 - Modernization

Expansion and modernization of office space at Riedtlistrasse 19 in Zurich

2016 - Globalscope Partners

IFBC becomes a member of the global M&A organization Globalscope Partners with the aim of realising cross-border transactions for Swiss companies

2016 - EQT

Financial advisor to financial investor EQT for the assessment of benefits and ancillary benefits in connection with the public takeover offer for the attention of public shareholders of travel group Kuoni

2016 - Swiss Gas Industry

Financial Advisor to the Swiss gas industry and Credit Suisse Energy Infrastructure Partners for the acquisition of a stake in the Swiss Transit Gas Pipeline and FluxSwiss

2014 - Marxer Foundation

Financial Advisor to the Marxer Foundation for the sale of your investment in Centrum Bank AG, Vaduz to VP Bank AG, Vaduz

2012 - Federal Office of Energy

Report from the Federal Office of Energy on risk-based compensation for network operators in the Swiss electricity market as a basis for the revision of the Power Supply Ordinance

2012 - Fairness Opinions (STB)

The Swiss Takeover Board notes the special competence of IFBC as a issuer of Fairness Opinions in public purchase and exchange offers

2011 - AXPO/EGL

Financial advisor to AXPO for the public takeover offer to the public shareholders of EGL

2010 - Swissgrid

Assessment concept and implementation of assessments as part of the transfer of the Swiss high-voltage grid from grid owners to Swissgrid

2010 - AXPO debut bonds

Financial advisor to AXPO on the placement of two debut bonds on the Swiss capital market worth a total of CHF 1 billion

2009 - Benefits and fringe benefits

Financial advisor to Aquamit B.V. (provider) in connection with the complaint against the public takeover offer for all shares of the Quadrant (target company) in the public. This led to the Swiss Takeover Commission's practice on benefits and fringe benefits in public takeovers.

2008 - Relocation

Moving from Sonneggstrasse in Zurich to larger offices on Riedtlistrasse

2004 - Impairment model

Development of the first impairment model for Holcim to implement IAS 36 for the first time.

2003 - Holcim

Helping Holcim set up a group-wide treasury and financial risk management organization

1998 - Debt Capacity

As part of the merger of SBG and SBV (Bankverein), IFBC developed the concept of debt capacity and implemented it throughout the merged bank's corporate banking business across Switzerland. In subsequent years, many other banks sought advice from IFBC on this issue.

1997 - Founding

Founded as a spin-off from the University of Zurich