

Development tool for bonus calculation
Value-based Management
IFBC developed a tool for Vifor Pharma with which the bonus can be calculated for the entire management based on the developed concept. In addition to an overall overview of the bonus calculations, the tool can be used to automatically generate an individual summary of the bonus calculation for each recipient as a basis for internal communication.
The Vifor Pharma Group is a global specialty-pharmaceutical company headquartered in Switzerland. The company’s goal is to become a global leader in iron deficiency, nephrology and cardiorenal therapies.
Die Vifor Pharma Gruppe ist ein globales Spezialitäten-Pharmaunternehmen mit Hauptsitz in der Schweiz. Sie hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, globale Marktführerin in den Bereichen Eisenmangel, Nephrologie und kardiorenale Therapien zu werden.